
Nightlancer begins

Created by Joseph Norris

Fight to survive as society tears itself apart in this cyberpunk dystopian board game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Contact pledges and extra missions
about 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 02:40:43 PM

The Contact level pledge gives you the full rewards of the Punk (the limited edition game and a pin of your choice) - but also you get to become immortalised in the game art for Nightlancer!

The character design shown on your Conytact card will be based on your picture, and these cards rapidly pass through the hands of players so you will be seen frequently and play an important part in the story!

These are the contact types that you can choose to become if you pledge at the Contact level:

Black Bag Handler - Handler for black operations, familiar with how to make connections to get things done and evade the authorities.

Entrepreneur - A determined individual who moves fast and looks out for opportunities to make deals.

Power Player - With connections high up across the city, this contact will help you secure your position.

Face Man - On the front line of street deals, you can always rely on them to watch your back and keep you in touch.

Organiser - With an organiser in your contacts, you can be confident that your deals will go through.

Detective - Begrudgingly working with Nightlancers, knowing that there are far worse things in the city, to offer their sleuthing skills.

Patrol Officer - One of the rare few slums cops who try to do some sort of good, they draw attention - but that can be away from you.

Private Security - Able to spot security gaps with their professional background, or keep trouble away from you with their imposing presence.

Cyberspacer - The cyberspacer never works face to face, but can help you find equipment and software through the net.

Hacker - A tech wiz, adept with bypassing physical and software barriers with improvisational hacking skills.

Tinkerer - Always at play with hardware, from weaponry and cybernetics to tools and locks.

Escort - The escort can provide an invaluable asset in keeping attention away from you.

Journalist - Skilled in investigation and connected across the city.

Performer - Able to keep eyes off you with an impromptu gig, or instead put you in touch with their fanbase.

Stretch goal - Missions

Also as a number of backers have shown interest in seeing more mission cards in the game - I'm going to include these in the Stretch goals soon! Kickstarter doesn't allow editing updates after 30 minutes but I will be updating the graphic on the campaign page.

Stretch goals added
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 08:31:15 PM

Here are the first few stretch goals! I created a lot of content originally for Nightlancer but the game doesn't need them to be a good experience. However if we can reach some of these stretch goals they'll add some interesting variety and I'd really like to put everything into the game if we can get there!

If you let me know what you would like to see as a stretch goal I'll definitely look into it and try to find a way to include it!

Nightlancer fully funded! Stretch goals coming soon!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 05:18:03 PM

Thank you everyone for your support! It's been a long journey to get this far and Nightlancer is now going to get made!

I'll be adding stretch goals soon!

Interview with Loco Ludus podcast
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 02:40:10 PM

I did an interview with Barney at Loco Ludus. We talked about cyberpunk stuff, game design, food-orientated games, becoming a publisher and - of course - Nightlancer itself. 

It was a fun interview! Barney opens with some out-there questions that took us in interesting directions! I manage to take a wild tangent into what android food would be like.

Loco Ludus is a podcast with focus on tabletop game modfications, homebrew, DIY, etc., all out of love for the hobby and the brilliant work of so many designers! 

Too many early birds!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:05 PM

I promised our former backers and early newsletter sign-ups that they would have access to Early Bird pricing. I'm blown away how quickly this game is taking off, but I stand by my word! So there are now additional early bird pledges available look for "Hyper-ish-punk"!

Sorry to those who missed the first set I never seriously expected them to go in less than two hours!